Artificial Intelligence in Web Development and Web Developers


With the advent of digital technologies, users expect personalization at each points; users always look for personalized content and richer experiences and want everything that is predictable and easy to follow or look for the websites which has the ability to do as per their need. They look for easy to use and intuitive features, responsive layout, user-friendly content, push notifications and much more. To be precise, end-users expects smarter applications with self-learning capabilities and customized user experience. This is bit challenging for the developers – how is it feasible to develop websites that can deliver personalized content every time? Following a conventional approach for web development can be problematic. Other than that:-

  • Developing basic layouts and designing website takes time
  • Web app testing is tedious and time-consuming process as well as prone to errors
  • Basic web development decisions depend on the developer, which slows down the release

It seems to be difficult to achieve but can be possible with the use of artificial intelligence in websites.

Traditional Web development

Since the inception of Internet, web development evolved as well; web development was easy process and just included text, pictures and font variation. After a decade, society came up with the web connections which helped to develop website with HTML and PHP including graphics and animations. After two decades i.e. today, web development includes audio visual content, chat bots, dynamic elements and much more designed as per the user preferences to deliver the best user-experience rather than just a static website or just an information.  This is possible only with the help of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning algorithms.

“If the recent news are to be believed, Humanoid robot Sophia has been made citizen of Saudi Arabia. Isn’t that something unbelievable? How robot can become citizen…. Gartner predicts, “By 2020, customers will manage 85% of their relationships with the enterprise without interacting with human resources…”

Use of Artificial Intelligence in Web Development can give twist to the tale

What if the web development is automated and provides more structured, repetitive and defined tasks? Developers will have to pay less attention to tedious details and will be able to focus on other aspects like design, strategy, planning and other activities. With the help Artificial Intelligence, developers can have intelligent automation which can assist in design conceptualization, web development, web design, web testing, coding and much more. This human-machine has the capabilities to transform the web word that you may never have though for…

How the use of Artificial Intelligence in Web Development can be boon for the developers?

Provides voice-based search

In this fast moving world, the customers are always on the move and always look for the faster information in the easiest way. Voice-based search empowered with Artificial Intelligence is the enabler in performing seamless voice conversation between user and mobile app. Devices like SIRI, CORTANA, ALEXA can help you to set alarm, schedule meetings or appointments, help you to search anything, gets direction, make and receive phone calls and much more. When users communicate with this device, they understand user’s voice, preferences and with the help of AI backend code and algorithms predicts the need of the users to serve them in a better way. Voice based service is an integral part of web players and is a sure shot to enhance web-experience and shopping in smarter way.

Automates the task of gathering requirements

With the help of Artificial Intelligence and headless browsers, stakeholders can automate the process of gathering client requirements without human intervention. Using algorithms of Artificial Intelligence in web development, it can prepare detailed description of the gathered requirements and with the use of data extraction tools, stakeholders can get generate insights to develop web design and web development strategy. Employing NLP, ML, computer vision and image recognition algorithms and tools, it is feasible to gather requirements.  There are many other platform available that can provide data-driven analysis which can help in fetching the precise insights and empower decision makers to drive business operations.

Designing the web layouts becomes easy

Usually, developers find it tiresome to design basic layouts and templates of the web pages. But by using the tools of Artificial Intelligence in websites, it eases up web designing process. By asking content and extracting answers, much of the content can be gathered; AI can create data sets with the exact combination of branding, layout, design and the content required by the user. Companies such as Amazon provide customer-centric website that uses AI algorithms to enhance customer experience. When customers logged—in to Amazon, they can see the list of the products as per their preference. Through a single click, they can deliver the merchandize to their preferred address. The process is seamless and developers just have to focus on the machine to perform and think like a designer.

Programming is no more a headache

AI helps software developers to build better software by focusing less on coded rules to program applications. Developers need to focus on algorithm development to data development. AI performs the basic tasks like updating and adding records to a database and predicts which type of code should be used to solve the problem and then use predictions to derive particular solution. AI algorithms can also be used to develop modify the codes of the existing system right from the scratch. Developers can build smarter apps and bots using AI technology at much faster rates.  However developers need to feed machine with good datasets in order to perform fast operations. This is where developers’ skill make a crucial difference.

Refrains from designing the complex test-cases

You may have run the test cases several time due to very small change in your application. And if you’re doing continuous integration and continuous testing, you’re generating wealth of data from the test runs. But, the process is tedious and takes much of the time. So, companies are using machine learning and Artificial intelligence in web design to provide precise insights what the smallest number of tests is needed to test the piece of modified code. AI tools can also analyse current test coverage and flag areas that have little coverage or point out areas in the application that are at risk. Moreover, they can also detect failure patterns and amplify failure predictions at much higher-efficiency than traditional QA approaches. Thus, identifying errors from the programs will never be slow process. In the coming future, developers will be able to discover more efficient ways of testing and working on the effective code with no basic experience of testing. Developers need to just focus on perfecting the build while AI can handle the complex test cases and resultant bugs automatically.

Helps to rank high on search engines

Artificial Intelligence uses data to analyse patterns in your website visitor’s interaction and experience with your website. The insights generated is analysed with AI tools yielding user engagement and recommendation of action items to best serve the users. With the help of AI’s data mining and analytics, one can use web’s meta-data and other user-generated data and meta-data. The predictive engines built using AI technologies can generate insights which helps the developers in designing the web architecture or to enhance the existing content from the SEO’s perspective. With such insight, one can list out the better ways to design the websites and develop the web content that connect with target audience. Other benefits includes:-

  • Ability to publish higher-quality, optimized content
  • Competitive analysis
  • Implement the best SEO strategies
  • Gives your websites an advantage over competitors

Provides predictive reply

 Sometimes machine fails to understand the human’s emotion but artificial intelligence can understand the same and can respond accordingly. With the use of Artificial Intelligence in web development, it is easy for the business to provide quick answers; making it easy for the customers to resolve their queries. For instance, LinkedIn updated their LinkedIn app with AI-driven smart reply feature which predicts the responses you would like to send. It understands the content in the message and predicts the preferable responses that you can give. Chat bots powered with AI interacts with the user in a natural way leaving no-scope of misunderstanding and enhancing user experience. You can create chat bots for your websites that can communicate like a humans in an effective manner.

The Future of Artificial Intelligence

When it comes to the use of Artificial Intelligence in websites, it will surely change the way customers interacts with the system. Check out what AI will bring more in future:

  • Businesses and brands will have the different ways to interact with the websites
  • Great UI will boost brands to use the power of AI
  • Chat bots will refrain the need of manpower
  • Voice based searches will observe high demand
  • Predicts the need of the customer as per their mood and preferences


Use of Artificial Intelligence in web development is going to travel a long way! Web Industry is changing by providing more awareness and research for technological advancements. If you are looking to develop website equipped with artificial intelligence, you need to hire the best web development company which can give an edge to your business.

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